Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Moustache.

Ok. So we all know how I feel about the moustache that CB is growing because he knows it bugs me, right?  Which I think is what marriage is all about?

Anyway, it has all been worth it simply because I got the following email from my dad yesterday after texting my parents a picture of CB with his dumb moustache, wearing his aviator sunglasses.

So your mother and I were discussing the picture you sent of CB and I thought he looked like any number of movie stars who try to mask their good looks by going scruffy.  I couldn't tell from the picture that his lip had any more hair than the rest of his face.
Anyhow, your mother said "maybe he's trying to look like that movie star Becky likes" and then neither of us could come up with the name.  I knew who she meant and said he was a Mouseketeer which started the discussion of the new Mouseketeers who have made it as adult celebrities.  At first she mentioned Hugh Jackman, who wasn't a Mouseketeer and is older than who we were discussing.  He is a good looking man but doesn't normally look scruffy, except when he's the Wolverine.  So I pulled out my phone and Googled "Gangster Squad" and as his picture came up, mom said "Ryan Gosling."  I showed her the picture, except there was also a picture of Jared Leto and she thought he was Ryan Gosling.  So when we got off that tangent, we scrolled through the pictures of Mr. Gosling and one showed him with a 3 or 4 day beard and if he'd been wearing sun glasses, it could be CB.
Bottom line, CB is just trying to make you happy by looking like Ryan Gosling so the moustache is your fault.  Thought you'd want to know.
Love - Dad

Parents! YOU ARE NOT HELPING (but you are hilarious).

And, because his fans are chomping at the's the growth so far. You're welcome. (please shave).

Happy Wednesday! 


  1. Is he doing Movember? My husband is doing it too, and we were *supposed* to do family photos with our soon-to-be 1-year-old and I was like "I'm not having photos of you with that nasty stachy!" Seriously, he's trying to grow a handle-bar mustache. ::shudder:: So I feel your pain!

    1. Yes! Oh man.....CB's is called "The Trucker." We're so lucky.

  2. The trucker? Oh no no no no no!!! I have a huge surprise party this weekend, with photo booth, my husband can bet his ass there will be zero pics of he and I. His goatee is coming in nicely, and growing down his neck now. Mind you this is the ONLY hair growing on his face. He hasn't picked up a razor since the 1st. It only grows in certain spots....I just can't even look at him. ---Amanda

    1. Oh noooooooooo! What is happening to the faces of guys everywhere?? I mean, it's a good cause, so I'm all in. But STILL.

  3. Your Dad is my new favorite person. That is all.

  4. Right?? He pretty much rocks. As does my mom.

  5. Just get CB a polyester bell-bottom leisure suit and he will be ready to hang out with 1970's Ron Jeremy.
