Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday Wrapup

Let's get to it!


You guys. I've been MIA lately for a few reasons. The main reason is because, about a week and a half ago, an urgent care doctor stuck a skinny, long Q-tip up my nose and wiggled it around on my sinuses until my eyes watered and then told me I had the flu. And then I didn't move for about 4 days, spent 3 days after that sort of feeling more human, and then finally came back to work this week. Also, what my parents have called my "flare for the dramatic" may have come out during this time because I told CB that, in my fevered, achy state, I actually wondered if this is what dying feels like. Because I thought I was dying of the flu. Because I'm just like my daughter, who flings herself backwards in excitement/anger/frustration/glee/exhaustion because she got my flare.

CB is so lucky.

ANYWAY, between that and balancing what has turned out to be a great, but busy and exhausting, new work/life schedule...well, I suck at blogging. However, I'll attempt to get back to some sort of normal routine next week, which guarantees that I may or may not blog. Exciting! The fact that you guys are still visiting the site in my absence warms my heart and also tells me that there's little quality entertainment out there these days.


No book review this week but maybe next week? We need to peer-pressure CB. He's been a reading machine after I go to bed at 8:17pm each night.


I took a picture on the train today of a guy with a man-bun.

The reason I creepily took this picture is multi-layered:

1. Man-buns both intrigue and anger me.
2. This guy legit looked like he was maybe doing a photo shoot with someone who had an invisible camera? Not like he was acting like he was posing, I think he Like, he's SO good looking that he just always kind of looks like someone who should be having his photo taken.
3. I stared at him through the veil of fake-playing Solitaire on my phone and thought a lot about his attractiveness. Because he was, without question, incredibly handsome. Attractive. Had bone structure to die for. HOWEVER. I decided that he actually was so attractive that I wasn't attracted to him.

Let me explain.

Part of it may be a deep-seated insecurity on my part. OR an incredible self-awareness. Because I fully embrace the cast system when it comes to dating and mating. You have to date and mate with your kind, people. It's just the truth.

Have you ever seen a couple and you kind of look over at your friend and you do the one eyebrow and you're like "what gives?" And your friend's like "I know, right?" Because both people in that couple are dating above or below their level. I KNOW IT'S CONTROVERSIAL. But that's why you come to this blog.

Your level can be fluid, and 1 or 2 above and below at any time makes total sense, because people change. Like, you may get into slightly better shape than you were when you met, but it doesn't automatically jump you from a 6 to a 10. AT BEST it typically jumps you from a 6 to an 8. And this is coming from a steady 6, you guys. CB was this close to marrying down until I upped my game.

Also, I'm confident enough in my place in this world to know that I'd never feel comfortable naked in front of this man. He likely doesn't have "house pants," and if he does, they're definitely on-label. He probably also wouldn't embrace my Michigan State t-shirt with the growing hole in the armpit that I wear a little too liberally on weekends, where you can see the front and back of part of my bra. And not in a sexy way.

I'm also confident enough in my place in this world to know that this man-bun would never feel comfortable with me naked in front of him, either. And that's OK. He didn't belong on this train. He belonged on a sound-stage with a fake train set where he pretended to be just another guy in the city who didn't realize he was falling in love with his "dorky" best friend who was stunningly beautiful yet we were all "fooled" because she wore glasses until the makeover montage.

Anyway. This is what I did on the train today. Perhaps I still have a fever?


And now, the Video of the Week.

This movie, and specifically this soundtrack, has lots of sentimental meaning to me, and it seemed appropriate on this Friday. PLUS, I didn't even realize it until JUST NOW, but it's totally telling you to do the exact opposite of what we just discussed. CONTROVERSY!

Happy Friday, you guys! 


  1. I am going to venture into the controversy here and opine that pretty doesn't necessarily mean jumping levels... you can have a pretty 6, right? Especially in the context of thinking your spouse is pretty. You should think your spouse is pretty at all times, even if she is wearing a Michigan shirt with a giant hole in it. Or yoga pants. Because who doesn't wear yoga pants at home?
    Besides, I often elevate people's "pretty" factor based on their personalities or my relationship to them. We're dating and you are a true "6"? I might see you as an 8 or a 9 because you are so kind and sweet. Break my heart? I might drop you to a 2, simply based on your black heart. Just my two cents.

    1. Toooooooooootally agree. But being completely superficial on the train? My cast system is flawless. ;-) (absolutely, 100% agree with you)

  2. That movie is fantastic! Thank you for reminding me of it!

  3. I have to say no matter how good looking he is the man bun lowers him to douche level automatically.

  4. I agree 100% with your whole post and not just because we both ramble and wear sparkle shoes! Plus man bun? Please. Am I the only one who wonders how all these men all of a sudden had hair long enough for this? I mean I never saw any men with long hair around unless it was the random scary guy hanging out at the dumpster scavenging (this could just be my imagination. Like I think I should see this type of thing, thanks to the media and movies, so I think I have, but I really haven't. If that makes sense. NO? oh well moving on) or you know male models in pictures with long hair. But I never saw random guys at my local Target with long hair, then poof, over night men EVERYWHERE with man buns! Like how on earth did you grow 10 inches of hair overnight? We girls try to grow an inch of hair over the course of a year!!!! Not fair. Unless it's that weird random chin hair, THAT will grow a foot overnight, but I mean the hair we WANT to grow, it takes forever. Ok clearly I lost any semblance of polite niceties here, but I'm right. Right?! :)

  5. That guy looks disturbingly like my brother, Becky. It's not, but I had to really look at the picture closely to figure that out.

    1. So what you're saying is that your brother is hot? Noted!

    2. I think the real question here, is her brother single? OR perhaps he just has some selfies he would like to share with the class? :)
