So the other day I was having a conversation with my
mother-in-law in which I discussed my knee-jerk reaction to bleach. As you do.
Me: “Every time I smell bleach, I think of death.”
MIL: silence.
Me: “Like, I just assume there’s been blood there and someone needed to bleach the crime scene. Even in the elevator of our building. I smell it and I think ‘Did someone die?’”
MIL: “So…….you don’t think, maybe, that it’s just really clean? I think “clean” when I smell bleach.”
Me: “I think death.”
MIL, giving me the side-eye: “That’s…….”
Me: “I know, this is one of those things that I think is a thing everyone thinks. And then I say it out loud and realize that it’s definitely not a thing.”
MIL: “It’s definitely not a thing. That’s a Becky thing.”
Me: “This is why CB tells me not to say these things out loud to other people. Because of that look you’re giving me.”
MIL: “Yeah, might be best not to share this one.”
So obviously I’ll blog about it.
But it got me to thinking about other things throughout my
life that are less death-oriented, yet still things that I thought were things
that are not things.
Such as:
The book “To Kill a Mockingbird” I thought was “Tequila
Mockingbird” for several years in school. And, while the original is a classic that I love, I’d go ahead and read me some “Tequila Mockingbird,” too.
I thought the phrase “might as well” was “mind as well” and
wrote it that way late into my twenties. Until Courtney was like “you realize
that you’re writing/saying it wrong, right?” To which I did not realize that
and then pretended like I didn’t know what she was talking about.
I thought the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was the State Puff
Marshmallow Man. Like, a state mascot for delicious sugary treats. Which I’d
totally get on board with, by the way.
When someone says “Easy-peezy” I immediately say “George
and Wheezy.” That’s not so much a thing that I thought was a thing, but more a
thing that should be a thing because
it always makes CB laugh. Just like when someone says it’s chilly outside and I
say “It’s chilly con queso.” Which I know makes no sense, but it also makes CB
laugh, so I continue to do it.
And then this one, which came up recently. When I go to get, say, a cookie, and there is only one other
cookie left, I feel bad for the other cookie and say “it’s ok, I’ll be back.” Not in a threatening way or anything, more in a comforting, "don't worry, you're not alone" kind of way.
Or if there are, say, a bunch of cookies, but one cookie is on the other side of the tin, far away from the other cookies, I’ll move it to be near its friends.
Or if there are, say, a bunch of cookies, but one cookie is on the other side of the tin, far away from the other cookies, I’ll move it to be near its friends.
WHICH I made the mistake of telling CB the other day when I
was re-heating pizza.
Me: “I feel bad when I leave one piece of pizza alone in the box. But I just can’t eat all of it.”
CB: “You feel bad?”
Me: “Yeah….I always have to apologize to the food I leave behind. Don't you?”
CB: “Apologize to my food? No.”
Me: “Yeah, me either.”
Me: “But you don’t feel bad if you leave, like, one apple behind?”
CB: “We’re not troops in a war, it’s an apple. It doesn’t have feelings.”
Me: “How do you know?”
CB: “Ok, so you’re telling me that, if this apple has feelings, that it’d rather you bite it and eat it and digest it rather than leave it alone in the refrigerator?”
Me: “Well then at least it’d be with the other food in my stomach.”
CB: “There’s something seriously wrong with you.”
Me: “This is not news. You said it’s one of the reasons you married me - it’ll never be boring!”
CB: “Yes, never boring, always crazy.”
Happy Thursday, everyone!
George and Wheezy is still making me laugh as I type, as well as the digested apple is with the rest of the food in your stomach. You're really feeling sorry for your food. CB saying they aren't troops in a war... HAAAAA! I love this!! Happy Easter to you, CB and Rauri! ---Amanda