Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday Wrapup

Let's get to it!


First, the book of the week. This book is "Kafka On The Shore" by Haruki Murakami. If you've been paying attention, you've noticed that we like Murakami in this family. So check it out! I'm currently putting "The Snow Child" on hold, reading the biography of The Wright Brothers that CB finished, and CB is now reading "The Girl on the Train" so that we can talk about it, ohmygod.



The Gym Sleeper has struck again. And this time, there's video. Because I have zero shame, just like The Gym Sleeper. Also, I find it necessary to text CB pictures throughout the week. But then yesterday, after laying there for 15 minutes while I worked out (and God knows how long prior to me getting there), he moved!


Oh, also - last night, CB, his sister, and I all spent at least 10 solid minutes talking about this guy, and now they've decided I have to get to the bottom of it. The question now is how I go about it.

Show concern?

"Hey, are you alright? I noticed that you're sleeping at the gym."

Or be a rat who pretends to be concerned?

"Hey, person who works at the gym, I noticed a guy sleeping over on the mats - is he ok?"

Or continue to wonder and silently judge while snapping photographs?

I choose that option.


And now, the Video of the Week, courtesy of CB! Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I say option 1. Shame him into realizing that people think he's homeless. Or, if he really is homeless, then you're the good person who reached out and then you can save his life.
