Thursday, June 18, 2015

Friday Wrapup

Let's get to it!


This week's book (thanks, dad!) is "A Spy Among Friends" by Ben Macintyre. Sounds like a book CB would like so I'm adding it to the list of birthday gifts I can't forget to get him since we'll have a newborn and I'll be sleepy by then. Click here to check it out and peruse around for other reading inspiration!


Don't forget that this Sunday is Father's Day! And this was appropriate, selfishly, for us this year since CB is technically already a dad to a baby still on the inside. Plus, these women were much sweeter about the ways in which they told their partners that they were going to be a dad. I said "Um" and CB turned around from looking in the refrigerator and stared at the pregnancy test that said "pregnant" on it for about a minute before speaking and then I said "Ok, I have to go take another one just to be sure!" and ran back into the bathroom like a crazy person.

I'm a delight. Also, CB was incredibly sweet about it and could not have been more excited or happy (or in shock). And this commercial makes me cry because HORMONES. I can't help it.


And now, the Video of the Week. I just like this song and hope you guys enjoy it, too! Happy Friday, Happy Father's Day to all you dads (especially my own), and enjoy your weekend! See you next week!


  1. That video makes me cry and I'm not even pregnant! Sweet! Such happy sweet men! Happy first father's day to CB! I hope you're keeping still and feeling well! I'm definitely looking fwd to seeing pics of BC! But no rush lady! (or baby C!) Have a great weekend! --Amanda

  2. Please excuse me while I swoon over George Ezra for the next three and a half minutes. On repeat. Not for the first time.
