Thursday, January 31, 2013

Friday Funday Wrapup!

It's either hot or freezing cold where you are, snowing, sleeting, raining, or completely clear, and so that can mean one thing - climate change? Yes.

But also that it must be Friday and we're all completely confused by what has happened to Mother Nature this week and so we need to escape by watching videos and talking about books. Let's get to it.


This kid is simply awesome. And makes me want to work to create something awesome. Other than this blog, of course. Enjoy.


So this week's Book Club choice is one I wrote about a year ago, but is still quite least for me. It's the biography of Steve Jobs, who I found to be both fascinating and infuriating, as you might imagine. But in light of the fact that I just struggled to FaceTime with my niece, and also couldn't figure out the other day how to update the software without basically erasing everything on my iPhone, I thought this was topical.

Anyway, check out the review here, and if you missed the first one from two weeks ago, you can check that one out here.


And now for the Video of the Week!

Since this weekend is the Super Bowl between the San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens (for those of you who, well, don't care), I thought it'd only be appropriate to make the Video of the Week relevant to that. Also, I'm not the betting kind, but if I were you, I'd definitely put my money on either the 49ers or the Ravens to win this weekend. Just a hunch.

And while I'll spend most of the time watching the commercials and hoping that David Beckham shows up in his underpants again, I'll also be curious to see if anyone can bring it as hard as Whitney brought it back in 1991. And let's leave the Beyonce criticism to the professionals, I'm still too raw from that controversy to really discuss it. Obviously.


Happy Friday, everyone! 


  1. I'm definitely going to put my money on the Ravens and 49ers. I'm sure to win with this foolproof plan.

    Also? How did I miss David Beckham in his underpants?!

    1. Um, I have no idea how you missed David Beckham last year (or the year before?), but you must immediately google that. And you're welcome.

  2. That pep talk video had me thinking "I want to take the road that leads to awesome too". Somebody should put up a signpost or something.

  3. Thanks for sharing the peptalk. I shared it on FB. That was great!

    1. You're welcome, I thought he was great, too!
