Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Wrapup!

The sun is finally shining, I think it may stop snowing at some point in the Midwest, and it looks like everyone has taken their summer Friday’s a bit earlier than normal. It’s that time! Let’s get to it.


I don’t know how many of you are big NFL fans, or live in the same house with one, but for those of you who didn’t know, last night was the annual NFL draft.

Yeah, I didn’t know that was a thing, either.

But I wish I could retain information about any one thing as much as CB does for, specifically, football and baseball. He spews out stats and fun facts like I do when talking about chick flicks starring Meg Ryan and Julia Roberst.

Oh wait, I just got it. The NFL and MLB are his Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts….he’s going to be so happy that I was able to turn this around and make a rom-com reference.

Also, if there was as much cursing in
rom-coms as there was in CB’s apartment
last night, the FCC would have their hands full.


This is one of the many reasons why I love New York City.


For this week’s Book of the Week, I’ve chosen a book that got such a good write-up on the blog that I’ve added it to my list of spring reading! Especially when I read “While the prose in the first half of the book is beautiful, lyrical and eerily hypnotic, the second half will jolt you out of your trance with a much grittier and more disturbing tone.” Um, sign me up! As CB knows, “grittier and more disturbing” is right up my alley!

So, if you’d like to check it out for yourself, please click here.

Also, I want to thank those of you who have voted so far on BlogHer. I’m not even including links here, because this really is just to say thank you. I appreciate all of the support and I wouldn’t be writing this blog without you!

And now, the Video of the Week.

This came to me earlier in the week when I was reflecting back on my weekend and, specifically, our trip down to Atlantic City for our friend’s bachelorette party. We got stuck in traffic and ended up hearing this song, conservatively, one billion times.

But I’ve taken a week’s hiatus from it and am ready to let it invade my ears again. Plus, JT can rock a leather suit. Truth. 

So…..enjoy! And have a great weekend, everyone, go out there and feel the sunshine!


  1. Oh man. JT and Buble in one blog post. It's like.. the most woo-ful post ever...

  2. Happy Friday! Also, is that what CB looked like after you compared the NFL draft to Meg Ryan movies? That's what my husband would do if I made that comparison!

    1. Haha no, but good call - that's definitely what he would do/will do when he knows that I compared the two. :-)

  3. From that face I'm assuming CB is a Fantasy Footballer.

    Which, you know, you should totally give a try. You may do pretty well (a lot of it is luck) and and if you don't do well it'll make great Blog Fodder.

    1. He's actually not, believe it or not! That's just how he feels about the Jets and their choices. :-)

      I've been told that before....interesting...very interesting...

    2. Well.. if we get 5-6 other bloggers we could do a Bloggers Fantasy League. Heck can even all chip in for a traveling trophy or something.

  4. Hmm....My book has some gritty and disturbing parts....

    Welcome to Singles Night, by Eva Gallant---available on Kindle from Amazon.
