Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday Wrapup

Let's get to it!


First of all, I KNOW. I'm the worst. I received several emails being like 'where are our mid-week posts?' and I was like 'I'm a failure.' Also, last night CB said "I think you're slacking. I logged in on Wednesday and I was like 'no post?' But I know you're really busy at work....not so sure your readers and fans will be as understanding." Um, not helpful.

So I promise that this was an anomaly and next week I'll be back with three posts (unless I'm not, in which case it's not an anomaly as much as it's just maybe par for the course when I'm lazy and/or busy?)

Either way, thanks for all the notes - appreciate the love!


This week's Book of the Week is a throwback - kind of like TBT, which I must admit took me several weeks to figure out. I was like "To be determined? That's weird. All of these pictures are old." And then I realized that other people on Facebook are hipper than I am (and also a co-worker had to tell me it meant "Throwback Thursday") and so then I was up to speed.

Click here if you like any of the following things: (1) Raymond Chandler, (2) mysteries, (3) great books, or (4) chocolate (I mean, eating chocolate while reading a mystery? Win/win.)


Um, CB? Bar raised.


How come this guy isn't ever outside of the ShopRite by us? Way better than the woman who sometimes walks her cat on a leash and randomly shouts things at people who walk by.

Plus, I love that the guy had to put down his groceries to jam.


No explanation necessary.


And now, the Video of the Week! This also really doesn't need any explanation, but this started playing yesterday just as I was finishing up a project that has basically sucked the life out of me all week. And it seemed very appropriately timed. 

Enjoy your long, holiday weekend, everyone! I'll be back at you next Tuesday! 


  1. That's okay. My husband thought TT meant "Tough Titties!"

  2. Eh, midweek post or no, we'll still be around.

    Just kidding. If you don't post mid-week posts anymore, I'll assume you've been kidnapped and I will hire Liam Neeson to go Taken on their asses.
